St Mary's

Developing mathematicians of the future

Maths enables pupils to develop independence, confidence and aspirational learners who are able to see and make connections between the different mathematical concepts and the wider world enabled through deep learning and challenges for all groups of pupils. Children will be able to confidently solve problems, reason mathematically and successfully perform investigations across the curriculum.


In ensuring high standards of teaching and learning in maths, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school, which has been adapted to meet the needs of mixed classes, whilst ensuring children can achieve at their level, using the ‘spines’ structure from National Centre for the Excellence of Teaching Mathematics (NCETM), which allows us to teach each mathematical unit in small steps and provide full coverage to our mixed-age classes.

We implement from a variety of resources such as White Rose Maths, Deepening Understanding and NCETM to plan exciting, challenging and robust lessons that are underpinned by the spines framework for each mathematical unit of work. Daily arithmetic sessions are implemented separately from maths lessons to enable fluent recall and times tables.