St Mary's

Remote Learning Policy at St Mary's

Please look at Class 1 Photos page (below this tab) to see all the writing tasks  - Thank you so much for supporting your child and doing your own work at the same time - you are brilliant! 

Here is just some of the fabulous work class 1 have been doing at home/school  - Well Done! 

Here is Margaret - the stick insect . 


Use the link below to access some homeLearning activities connected to Online Safety


ActiveLearn - Reading Books /Phonics Practice

Each child has their own work station on ActiveLearn. You will need to work together on these. 

I allocate and can monitor each child's activity /progress  -

  1. Reading Books  (Bug Club)
  2. Phonic Games/ Practice (Phonics Bug)
  3. Grammar and Punctuation Games / Practice 
  4. Just arrived, Maths Games / Practice (Abacus)

You need to log on to ActiveLearn with your Username/ password and school code  

ActiveLearn: Login (   

also a link on bottom of homepage.


User name = first 4 letters of first name + first four letters of last name

Password = 12345

School Code = sefb

Details in your Homework Book/Bag. 


Useful Websites

NumberBlocks - Linked to the work we are doing in class. These amazing little programmes will help your child understand maths and the composition of numbers. You can find them on Youtube / CBeebies etc      

(Singing Website)


Link to Ruth Miskin phonics - (she doesn't do cursive formation of letter (i.e she missed our whoops line but we can add that if the actual letter is formed correctly )but useful for learning /applying letters and sounds. Good for pre-schoolers too!


Each child now has access to the handwriting resources we use in class on the Letterjoin website. This is only available on tablets and laptops. Please visit

Login is using the details below:

Tablet Edition:
User name:  lj5632
Swipe code: A capital ‘L’ shape starting at the top left.

Desktop Edition:
User name:  lj5632
Account password: home